Posted by apkfrog on Thursday, 20 August 2015
system app remover pro v3.5.1009 .apk
Title: system app remover pro
Version: v3.5.1009
Android: 2.1+
We provide ways to uninstall system app, uninstall user app, move app
to sdcard, move app to phone, find all apk on sdcard, install apk,
delete apk, rooting guide help.
Note: uninstall system app need root permission, and we do not provide root method.
Compare to other similar products, System app remover pro:'
1, Safe, we filter out all apps that may cause unstable after
uninstalled, and had tested hundreds of devices, so you can use it
safely, but we can not make sure 100% safe because of manufacturers may
customized too much, also, we backup all app you uninstalled automatic,
so you can restore them in Recycle Bin whenever you need;
2, Clear,
we classify all system app as [Could remove], [Should keep], [Key
module], so you can choose what app to uninstall clearly;
3, Easy, we provide you a way to uninstall multi app in one time, make you easy to go;
4, Small, we release all memory allocated while app exit, and may the smallest app;
We never say we are the best, but we will try our best to make it
better, any comments or suggestions will be nice, please let me know via
feedback in our app.
What's New: 1, Add uninstall suggestion;
2, Bug fix.